Software Updates for Nokia Lumia [June - July 2012]
If you are a Nokia Lumia owner, its a good news for you. Nokia has rolled out few important updates for the Lumia phones.These updates including some great features which were already rolled out on android long time back.
Updates :
Internet Sharing
Share your mobile internet connection over Wi-Fi with up to five client devices or computers using Wi Fi Hotspot
Flip to Silence
Silence incoming calls by flipping your phone face down.
Some New Apps
After updating, your Nokia Lumia 800 or Nokia Lumia 710 will be ready to install exclusive new applications available in the Windows Phone Marketplace (Camera Extras, Counters, Contact share, and more).
Update Dates
This software update is available for the Nokia Lumia 800 and Nokia Lumia 710 during June and July 2012.
These new features will already be available for the Nokia Lumia 900 and Nokia Lumia 610.
How To Remove Facebook Timeline and Get back the Old Profile
Note : The Facebook Timeline can be Disabled-Removed-Deleted only for those, who enabled it before its public release, using Facebook Developers apps.
For others, there is no official way to remove Facebook timeline, as it has been made compulsary to all users.
After the Initial hype of the Facebook timeline, the over all feedback regarding the timeline has been negative and people are waiting the ways to remove it.
If you activated timeline using the facebook developers apps, you can follow the steps below
Steps to Remove the Facebook Timeline
Step 1 : Go to the Facebook Developers Page and click on the Edit App option
Step 2: On the Left side bottom, You have 'Delete App', Select that
Note : If you had added the App just for Facebook Timeline, Go ahead ! If you're a real Developer, deleting the app will be handy.
Finally, Confirming the Delete, The App and the Facebook Timeline will also be deleted from your profile.
Note : As facebook has been rolling out timeline for all profiles mandatorily, this method not work too !
Winners Of Free Talktime Giveaway [June]
We thank all the participants for taking part in the Free Mobile Recharge giveaway, after sorting all the entries, here are the results for the contest.
Question : How Many Bicycles did you see in the Video ?
The Correct Answer : One Bicycle
Winner of Rs.50 Recharge:
Anjali Gupta
Balakrishna Kini
Winners of Rs.30 Recharge
Anoop Jatavallabha
Deepkamal Chabra
Winners of Rs.10 Recharge
Umesh Goyal
Aishwariya Jain
Vijay EM
Gagan K
Ruchika Israni
Congratulations to all the winners, Recharge to your mobile phones will be done shortly and you will be intimated by SMS's !
Others who could not get through, Please keep watch for our upcoming contests.
Win Free Mobile Talktime with just a small Answer - Give Away [JUNE]
ALLROUNDER is up with yet another contest and this time, we are giving away few mobile recharges, for answering just a small question.
Remember: "We usually get less number of entries, so winning chances are more !"
Recharges to be Won :
2 Recharges : Rs. 50
2 Recharge : Rs.30
5 Recharges : Rs.10
The Video :
Watch This Video, and find the number of bicycles in this video.
Steps to Participate :
3. Answer the Questions below and Enter your Details :
Terms and Conditions :
-Last Date for Submission is 10th June,2012 11:59 pm
- Winners will be selected on the basis of :
1. Lucky Draw between the correct answerers
2.More the no. of Shares of this post, more chances of winning.
-Winners will be intimated on their Email and mobile phones.
-One person can win only one recharge. Fake entries will be disqualified.
-All decision made by The ALLROUNDER will be final.
-The above amounts are the Recharges. The talktime may vary according to your plan and region.
-The products shown in the image are not the sponsorers of this contest.
-Contest Valid for Indians only